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Top-1000: The amount of taxes paid by Armenia's largest enterprises in the first quarter is known

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
29.04.24 11:46

The State Revenue Committee of Armenia has published a list of the country's top thousand major taxpayers who contributed approximately $1 billion to the state budget in the first quarter of 2024.

This is an increase of 1.6% or more than 6 billion drams (over $15 million) compared to the same period last year.

Leading the list of major taxpayers is "Mobile Center Art," a company engaged in the import and sale of mobile phones and accessories. Its tax payments to the state budget amounted to 19.9 billion drams (about $50 million). Compared to the previous year, the company's tax payments have increased by more than 3.7 times. According to local media and experts, the company achieved this level of growth through intensive re-export, including exports to Russia.

The second largest taxpayer is "Gazprom Armenia," which paid taxes to the state budget amounting to 18.2 billion drams (about $45 million).

In third place is the "Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine," the country's largest mining enterprise. Last year, it held the leading position in tax payments, totaling around 70 billion drams (approximately $180 million) for the first quarter of 2024. However, this year, the company paid taxes amounting to only 15.6 billion drams (about $40 million) for the first quarter.

"Grand Tobacco," specializing in tobacco production, sales, and export, increased the volume of taxes paid in the first three months of this year to 13.2 billion drams, according to data from the State Revenue Committee (SRC).

"Pretty Way," better known as the "Vesta" chain of stores, engaged in the import and sale of household appliances, reduced the amount of taxes paid by approximately 2.8 billion drams (about $7 million). In the first quarter of 2023, the company paid taxes of 11.6 billion drams ($30 million), while for the first three months of this year, it paid 8.8 billion drams (over $22 million).

Another tobacco company, "International Masis Tobacco," increased its payments to the budget to 4.7 billion drams ($12 million) for the same quarter, compared to 4.5 billion drams ($11.2 million) for the same period last year.

The representation of the largest online trading platform in the CIS, "Wildberries," has doubled the amount of taxes paid compared to January-March of last year. In the first quarter of this year, the company paid taxes of more than 4.2 billion drams (about $11 million), compared to 2.1 billion ($5.1 million) for the same period last year.

Among commercial banks, "ACBA Bank" recorded a significant decrease in the amount of taxes paid. The company paid 3.1 billion drams (over $7.4 million) in taxes in the first quarter of this year, while for the same period last year, the amount was 7.1 billion (over $18 million). "Ameriabank," another major bank, increased its tax payments for the first three months of this year by approximately 1.1 billion drams ($2.6 million).

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