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Turkish unemployment rate dips to 9.2% in August

10.10.23 16:20

The unemployment rate in Türkiye edged down 0.2 percentage points month-over-month to 9.2% in August, official data showed on Tuesday.

The nation's jobless rate fell by 56,000 to 3.22 million in August on a monthly basis, according to the data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).

The unemployment rate was 7.5% for men and 12.6% for women.

Meanwhile, the data revealed that a seasonally adjusted measure of labor under-utilization rose 0.4 percentage points to 23.0%.

The labor under-utilization measure had largely slid since early 2021 but has edged higher in recent months.

The TurkStat data showed the labor force participation rate in August fell to 53.3% from 53.4% a month earlier.

The youth unemployment rate, for the 15-24 age group was 17.2%, down 0.7 percentage points month-over-month in August. This rate came in at 14.2% for men and 22.7% for women.

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