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Ukraine receives EUR 2B in macro-financial assistance from EU

18.10.22 16:30
Ukraine has received EUR 2 billion in macro-financial assistance from the European Union. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal announced this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

“Ukraine received EUR 2 billion in macro-financial assistance from the EU. Today, our state received another tranche from the European Union aimed at supporting the economic stability of Ukraine. Additional financial resources will help to cover urgent budget expenses, in particular, in the social and humanitarian spheres," Shmyhal wrote.

According to the prime minister, these funds are the first part of a EUR 5 billion package. In total, this year, Ukraine received EUR 4.2 billion in macro-financial assistance from the EU, which significantly helped to strengthen the economic front of the state and withstand the fight against the aggressor.

"We are grateful to our European partners and continue to work on new financial programs for next year," Shmyhal added.

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