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Waste Management can create new jobs - MP

Natia Taktakishvili
19.01.21 13:30
Maia Bitadze, chairperson of Environmental Protection and Natural Recourses Committee talked about the code On Waste Management with the Show “Women’s Narrative” and noted, that public readiness was important for launching waste management.

While talking about the topic, Maia Bitadze touched upon the issue of placing smart bins on Chavchavadze Avenue in Tbilisi. According to Bitadze, the so-called smart bins can technologically identify who dumps the waste, but for this it is necessary to equip the population with appropriate technology.

"The fact that we are talking about waste management is a step forward. We are becoming part of the modern economy. This means that Georgia considers getting new products from recycling and waste management can create new jobs,” Bitadze explained.

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