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We Are Ready To Implement All Priorities In Order To Get The Candidate Status - PM

Natia Taktakishvili
24.06.22 10:00
"This is indeed a historic day for Georgia,” Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili has echoed the EUCO’s decision to recognize Georgia’s European perspective.

“EU Council granted European Perspective to Georgia to become a member of the European Union. We are ready to implement all priorities in order to get the candidate status soon,” the PM stated.

The European Council has granted Moldova and Ukraine candidate status, and the perspective of Georgia. European Council President Charles Michel, said: “The EUCO decided to recognize the European perspective of Georgia and is ready to grant candidate status once the outstanding priorities are addressed.” Ukraine and Moldova received the EU candidate status.

"The Georgian government knows very well if it is necessary to take the necessary steps in the right direction. They must show the free world that they share the same principles," PM said.

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