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We Got The Picture That Absolutely Everyone Expected - EUGBC Secretary General On FDI


EUGBC Secretary General, Zviad Chumburidze talks about business sentiments, which are already reflected in political instability. According to him, business today is in a standby mode. Chumburidze deeply hopes that the government of Georgia will open negotiations with the strategic partners so that the results we have seen in terms of direct foreign investments do not worsen in the next quarters.

"It is impossible for the country to have an unstable political situation and develop stable business environment. The unstable political environment is having a serious effect and it may develop with more severe consequences. The fact is that politically unstable developments instantly affect our economic stability and business development, therefore, we got the picture that absolutely everyone expected. It was unimaginable to show some sort of stable indicators during such great political turbulence and challenge, and this process did not have any reflection on the attraction of investments.

The only thing that can change this unstable environment is dialogue with our strategic partners. This is the condition that the government, including business, must fulfill," says EUGBC Secretary General, Sandro Chumburidze.

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