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We Plan To Get Active On Catering Direction - "Cafune"


The social enterprise and cafe-restaurant "Cafune" located in Rustavi, plans to activate in the "catering" direction. Director of "Cafune", Luka Koberidze, stated this in an interview with BM.GE.

"This year, we are planning to become more active in the direction of catering, which means serving food at business events. At the moment, we can provide food for up to 150 people," said the director of "Cafune".

According to him, the goal of the company is to meet the HACCP standard before summer.

"We want to meet the HACCP standard. Therefore, our cafe-restaurant will be temporarily closed in order to carry out appropriate repair work and adapt to the standards.

We have invested about GEl 200,000 in this facility in total. Only this year, the investment volume made up GEL 50,000, which was spent on working space and laundry. As a result of the repair works, the working space in the kitchen and the bar increased by about 50%. Moreover, we are adding a warehouse," said Luka Koberidze.

Social enterprise and cafe-restaurant "Cafune" has been operating on the market for 4 years. Employment in the social enterprise is possible from the age of 16. At this stage, 16 people are employed.

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