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We Wish To Get Estsblished In The TOP-3 Least Corrupt Countries Of Europe - PM


Adherence to the accountability and transparency of governance towards general public and maximum engagement of the society in the decision-making process is one of our main priorities. It was announced by Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia when delivering a keynote speech at the presentation of a Performance Report by the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Georgia today.

As the Head of Government stated, a number of substantial steps have been made forward, including a decision made by the Government to publish every Decree, which is in essence a sign of accountability towards general public.

„Also, we demonstrated numerous examples of engaging public in the decision-making process. Of course, we will continue work with the same spirit in future" noted the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Irakli Kobakhidze spoke about the international ratings evidencing a positive stance of the country with least corruption.

„According to the Corruption Control Rating, Georgia has scored 73% out of 100%. With this indicator. Georgia is ahead of 14 Member States of the EU and NATO, while ranking first in the Caucasus and Bkack Sea region; Governance Effectiveness Index has seen Georgia advancing to Top 40 of the World. Georgia is ahead of 8 EU Member States; Global Risk Profile (GRP) published a Global Corruption Index (2023) ranking Georgia among the least corrupt countries, positioning it as a leader in the region. Global Integrity Rating has seen Georgia setting a new historic maximum in controlling corruption by scoring 7.56 out of 10, advancing to the 29th place" added the Prime Minister of Georgia.

According to the Head of Government of Georgia, country ranks among the Best 40 with corruption-free court rulings and stands out as an unconditional leader in the region.

„Government-Interference-Free Judiciary Index ranks Georgia 27th in the world, while 9th in Europe. Supreme Court Independence Index positions Georgian model positively, leading in the region, among 3 Member States of the EU and 6 Allies of the NATO.

Government Integrity Index ranks Georgia among 40 Best in the World and 20 Best in Europe. With least cases of bribery, Georgia ranks 13th and in Top Ten in Europe: while being the best in the world with Bride-Free Government Contract Awards" stated the Prime Minister of Georgia.

In the opinion of Irakli Kobakhidze, these achievements give grounds for satisfaction, but authorities do not stay content.

„During my Address to the Plenary Session of the Parliament, I announced about our ambitious task to position ourselves in the Top 3 of Europe with least corruption. Of course, we understand that it is a quite ambitious goal, though with a political will being present, as it is the case in Georgia, it is quite plausible and everything and anything will be done towards this end" added the Prime Minister of Georgia.

According to the Head of Government of Georgia, Anti-Corruption Bureau of Georgia bears a special role in the fight against corruption in the county.

Irakli Kobakhidze congratulated the Bureau on its jubilee, thereby noting that it was equipped with adequate institutional and legislative guarantees during last year to make sure that effective fight is targeted against the corruption.

„Consistent capacity building of the Bureau will remain to be one of our main goals. Legislative amendments are being made to this day at the Parliament of Georgia and full focus will be made on this significant task in future as well, of course. I pledge my personal and government support to the Anti-Corruption Bureau once again. You have our support. I am confident that its performance will greatly help and contribute in achieving our goals" concluded the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Performance Report of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Georgia for 2023 was presented by Razhden Kuprashvili, Head. Event was attended by officials of the executive and legislative authorities of the country, Mayor of Tbilisi, Chairman of the Constitutional Court and diplomatic corps.

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