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We Worked With 80% Load In July-August - Hotel in Mestia

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The summer season is coming to an end. Hotels and other tourist facilities are already assessing how the past three months have been for the business. BM.GE was interested in how the season went in Mestia, where the locals were also dissatisfied with the winter season.

BMG contacted "Posta" hotel with questions to evaluate the summer tourist season.

"From July 15 to the end of August, the hotel was operating at 80% load and it was a good season, but the rest of the months failed. We had expected more, which was not justified.

As for the vacationers, there were both locals and foreign tourists from England, Israel, Germany... Russian tourists were relatively few", Gvantsa Paliani, administrator of "Posta Mestia" told BM.GE.

According to her, the main challenge for attracting tourists to Mestia is still unorganized roads, as for other communications, there was uninterrupted electricity and water supply throughout the summer.

According to Paliani, the accommodation prices in "Posta Mestia" have not increased compared to the previous summer season, and on the contrary, they have decreased slightly: "In the high season, the average cost of a double room was GEL 350".

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