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What Is the Income of Alcohol Companies in Georgia?

27.06.21 22:00
In 2020, the export of wine and spirits from Georgia amounted to 343 million dollars. Exports of alcoholic beverages increased by 3.8% to $ 132 million.
The leader in the ranking of the spirits industry in 2019 is the company "Askaneli", whose revenue amounted to 63,223,666 GEL. It will be followed by "Sarajishvili", whose income in 2019 was 45,174,622 GEL; Next comes the largest importer GD Alco - with an income of 43,443,000 GEL. The income of "Alcorium" was 24,137,000 GEL, and that of "Smugglers" was 11,292,234 GEL.
The spirits market in Georgia has been developing dynamically so far, but 2020 has hit it hard and local producers and importers don't predict returning to the old level yet. At the same time, however, the spirits sector has emerged as the exception that has overcome some of last year's biggest challenges.
The expectations of the companies this year as a whole are positive. Regulatory easing and vaccination are promising, but they also see risks. The difficult economic situation in the country hinders the production and sales of premium alcohol.

The instability of the national currency, the GEL, remains a major problem and challenge for the spirits industry and most businesses operating in Georgia.

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