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Average Salary in Ukraine 30% Up in April

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Madona Gasanova
29.05.21 00:00
The average nominal salary of Ukrainians in April 2021 was 29.8% higher than the one they received in April 2020 and amounted to UAH 13,543 (US$ 493), the State Statistics Service has reported.

The average nominal salary of a full-time employee of enterprises, institutions and organizations in April 2021 was UAH 13,543, or 2.3 times higher than the minimum wage, UAH 6,000 (US$218). Compared to March 2021, the average nominal salary shrank by 0.5%.
The highest average nominal salary in April 2021 was recorded in the field of information and telecommunications (on average UAH 27,101 (US$986), up 48% from April 2020), in the sphere of financial and insurance activities (UAH 23,557 (US$858), up 16.3%), and in the field of professional, scientific and technical activities (UAH 21,883 (US$796), up 47.8%).
The lowest average nominal salary in April 2021 was recorded in the field of temporary accommodation and catering (UAH 6,979 (US$254), up 99.4% from April 2020), administrative and support services (UAH 10,678 (US$388), up 15.3%), and education (UAH 10,859 (US$395), up 30.7%).

According to the State Statistics Service, the average nominal salary in April 2020 was UAH 10,430 (US$380) in Ukraine, or 1.6% higher than in April 2019.

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