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EBRD Allocated Sovereign Loan Of Up To EUR 3.03 MLN For Tbilisi Solid Waste Project

15.06.21 14:30
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) allocated sovereign loan to Georgia of up to EUR 3.03 million represents an increase in financing under the existing project GrCF - Tbilisi Solid Waste Project (Original Project).

The incremental loan proceeds are to be used for a wider upgrade of the leachate system in the Tbilisi City's landfill, a component included in the Original Project.

The Project is part of Green Cities Framework 2 (GrCF2) and a follow-on investment from Tbilisi's Green City Action Plan (GCAP). The project addresses the GCAP-identified need for improvements in the City's solid waste system. It reduces environmental pollution from the landfill and employs best available technology in line with the EU standards.

The project aims to contribute to an improved level of solid waste services and overall improved environment in Tbilisi.

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