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Money transfers up 13.0% y/y in May 2018

18.06.18 19:15
In May 2018, money transfers increased 13.0% y/y to US$ 130.4mn, after growing 16.9% y/y in previous month, according to NBG. From major remitting countries, money transfers were up from Italy (+33.9% y/y, 12.0% of total), USA (+15.7% y/y, 10.7% of total), Greece (+13.6% y/y, 10.2% of total) and Israel (+34.5% y/y, 9.7% of total), while remittances were down from Russia (-1.7% y/y, 28.5% of total) and Turkey (-3.2% y/y, 7.4% of total). Overall, in 5M18 money transfers were up 19.2% y/y to US$ 609.3mn.

Source: G&T