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23 983 Concentrations Were Registered In Georgia In 1Q24

კონკურენციის სააგენტო
Natiko Taktakishvili
17.04.24 18:00

Georgian Competition and Consumer Agency reports, that in the first quarter of 2024, 23 983 138 concentrations of undertakings were registered in Georgia. According to the identified data, in 23 968 cases, the annual turnover of the parties participating in the registered concentrations did not meet the criteria necessary for the origination of the obligation of prior notification in the part of the annual turnover. 15 cases met the criteria, however, 12 of them fell under the exceptions defined by the competition law. As for 3 cases, according to the data gathered, there was probably an obligation to notify the Agency regarding the concentration in prior. Accordingly, the Agency started proceedings against the mentioned undertakings. The case concerns the mineral processing and distribution and trading sectors.

Concentration is subject to notification to the Agency if the aggregate (total) annual turnover of its participants on the territory of Georgia, exceeds 20 million GEL and the annual turnover of at least two persons participating in the concentration exceeds 5 million GEL for the previous financial year. Implementing the concentration without preliminary notification to the Agency may result in a fine, of up to 5% annual turnover of the previous year. The fee for reviewing a concentration notice is GEL 5,000.

In case of bypassing the Competition Agency subject to the mandatory notification, before the Agency reviews the notification or despite the negative conclusion, the person with the obligation to submit the notification shall be fined.

In 2024, the Agency has approved 5 concentrations.

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