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53% of companies will keep their employees, while 9% will reduce – the results of the research

22.07.20 12:09
53% of the companies will keep the number of their employees - this is mentioned in the research conducted by the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in which 1,553 business entities were interviewed.

Part of the companies cannot specify whether they will be able to keep jobs for their employees, while another part predicts reduction of the employees.

"Business’ plans related to the employees for the next 6 months: 53% of companies will keep the number of their employees; 31% find it difficult to answer; 9% will reduce the number of employees. According to 7%, the number of employees is expected to increase," the study said.

According to the same survey, 43% of companies reduced salaries for the employees; 32% of companies fully kept employees’ salaries; 20% of companies gave full or partial unpaid leave; 5% of the companies completely or partially fired their employees.

Moreover, the research showed, that interest towards remote work had increased and the rate was grown from 0.33% to 17% in the last 3 months.

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