According to Google Analytics, the number of readers of website in January 2023 made up 885,000, which was 9.8% more than the previous year. According to Google Analytics, these 885 thousand readers (Users) made a total of 1.6 million sessions on the website, which was 22% more than the previous year.
The average duration of one visit was 59 seconds.
According to Google Analytics, 70.6% of readers landed on the site via a link from a social media platform, 16.6% of visits were direct visits, and 12.7% of visits were other visits.
During the period, 56% of readers were women and 44% were men. In terms of age, 14% of readers were 18-24 years old, 28% were 25-34 years old, 27% were 35-44 years old, 17% were 45-54 years old, 9% were 55-64 years old, and the number of readers older than 65 was 5%.