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How Many Readers Did BMG Have In October?

BMG სააგენტო

According to Google Analytics, the number of readers (users) of bm.ge website in October, 2024 was 487 thousand up by 9% m-o-m.

As of Google Analytics, these 487 thousand readers (users) made a total of 2.3 million sessions on the website, which was 10% or 210 thousand more compared to the previous month.

In addition, according to Google Analytics, 407 thousand bm.ge readers visited the site from Georgia, 15 thousand - USA, 8.4 thousand - Italy, 7.4 thousand - Germany, 5.5 thousand - Noweign, Russia and 5 thousand- Greece.

During the period, 54.1% of bm.ge readers were women and 45.9% were men.

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