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Agreement Should Not Be Signed With Chinese CCCC On The Construction Of Anaklia Port – Vera Kobalia

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Former Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Vera Kobalia (between 2010-2012), deeply believes that the involvement of the Chinese state company CCCC ("China Communications Construction Company Limited") in the construction of the Anaklia Deep-Water Sea Port means "joining Georgia to the Russian-Chinese circle". "A contract for the construction of Anaklia Port should not be signed with the Chinese CCCC", - Vera Kobalia told BMGTV.

"In general, I think that Chinese companies, as well as European and American companies, should have the opportunity to participate in tenders, but questions arise when the state chooses a company that is sanctioned by the USA, as well as by the World Bank. The company is blacklisted by other countries and financial institutions as well. Why didn't the Ministry of Economy or the state check the status of the company?!", Kobalia said.

According to her, perhaps {the government} believes that cooperation with the CCCC will be good for their own interests.

"This company was involved in corrupt deals in various projects in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, due to which the World Bank imposed a 10-year sanction. In 2018, China's CCCC also tried to buy a Canadian infrastructure company in Canada, but Canada's Security Council looked into the matter and as a result, the government deemed the deal unacceptable and blocked it. A severe example is the activity of CCCC in Sri Lanka, and I deeply believe that it is a big risk and danger that a similar case will be repeated in Georgia", - Kobalia added.

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