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Annual Electricity Generation In Georgia Was Down In April, 2024


In April 2024, annual electricity generation in Georgia decreased by 13.1% totaling 1,086 GWh. Thermal generation decreased by 24.7%, hydropower output by 12.1% and wind generation decreased by 10.3%, - according to the report published by TBC Capital.

In April 2024, electricity consumption decreased by 4.1% totaling 995 GWh. Retail consumption grew by 2.4% and direct consumers used 4% more electricity annually, while consumption by A/R of Abkhazia decreased by26.7%.

In April, 2024, the average weighted price of balancing electricity amounted to 5.71 USD c/KWh, reflecting a 3.7% annual growth. Higher natural gas price for thermal generation, in effect since January 1, 2024 is the main growth factor for balancing electricity price.

In April, 2024, Georgia began exporting generated electricity, selling 58 GWh abroad, with significant portion directed to Turkey. However, this figure is significantly lower compared to the last year’s exports.

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