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Armenia and Georgia: The Complex Path to European Integration Amid Regional Challenges

NIkol Pashinyan
Arshaluis Mgdesyan
23.09.24 17:00

The recent visit of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to Georgia has drawn the attention of experts to the issues of European integration for both countries and their role in the complex geopolitical environment of the South Caucasus.

Political analysts Tornike Sharashenidze from Tbilisi and Hrant Mikaelyan from Yerevan shared their views on the outcomes of the visit and the prospects for Armenian-Georgian cooperation during an interview on Armenian online television CivilNet.

According to Sharashenidze, Pashinyan's visit came at a critical time for Georgia: “The Georgian government is currently focused on elections and resetting relations with the West. Pashinyan is trying to engage with everyone in Tbilisi because Georgia is Armenia’s only bridge to the West.”

Mikaelyan emphasized the importance of Georgia for Armenia's European ambitions: “Georgia is crucial for Armenia in terms of European integration. However, the European Union offers little, and Georgia is in a stronger position.”

Both experts pointed out the difficulties on the path to integration. Sharashenidze highlighted internal contradictions within Georgia: “The ruling party in Georgia plays on fears of Russia and European values, but at the same time passes laws that could complicate relations with Europe.”

Mikaelyan drew attention to broader global issues: “The European Union cannot accept new countries, and expansion is not expected anytime soon. The European economy is not growing, which reduces the appeal of integration.”

The experts also discussed the logistical aspects of cooperation. Mikaelyan stressed, “Georgia is important for Armenia as a logistical route and a gateway to the outside world,” noting that more than 70% of Armenia's foreign trade passes through Georgia.

In conclusion, both experts agreed that despite the challenges, Armenia and Georgia are striving to strengthen their strategic partnership. However, the path to European integration remains long and difficult for both countries, requiring careful consideration of many regional factors and global trends.

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