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Armenia Takes Georgia's Experience into Account in Implementing Mandatory Health Insurance - Minister

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
01.08.24 19:45

Armenian Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan announced plans for the phased introduction of a mandatory health insurance system in the country during a government briefing on August 1. According to the minister, the full implementation of the project will take three years and is expected to be completed by 2027.

Avanesyan emphasized that the gradual implementation will not only facilitate the training and adaptation of the system but also enhance its appeal to the population. "The large-scale investments we are making, capital construction, systemic changes, and quality control will also contribute to the success of the insurance system," she noted.

Addressing the healthcare system's readiness for such changes, Avanesyan expressed confidence that everything will be prepared according to the stages of the insurance system's implementation.

The minister also compared Armenia's situation with neighboring countries, noting that both Georgia and Russia already have mandatory health insurance systems in place. "They have been doing the work we are doing now for many years," Avanesyan added, highlighting that Armenia is taking into account the experiences of neighboring countries.

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