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Armenia's Domestic Debt Rises While External Debt Declines: New Trends in Public Debt Structure

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
06.08.24 14:15

According to the Statistical Committee of Armenia, as of June 30, 2024, the country's total public debt stood at $12.1 billion. This figure reflects interesting dynamics in the composition of the republic's debt obligations.

In June alone, the total public debt increased by $54.4 million. However, a closer look reveals noteworthy trends. Armenia's external debt decreased by $45.9 million, reaching $6.2 billion, while the domestic debt grew by $100.3 million, amounting to $5.9 billion.

The structure of the external debt includes $5.738 billion owed by the Armenian government and $508 million by the Central Bank. The primary component of the domestic debt consists of government treasury bonds held by residents, totaling $5.3 billion.

Previously, BMG reported that according to the Ministry of Finance's forecasts, Armenia's public debt is expected to reach 5.314 trillion drams (over $13.5 billion) by the end of 2024, accounting for 50.5% of the country's GDP compared to 49.3% at the end of 2023.

It is important to note that in 2024, 805.2 billion drams (over $2 billion) will be required for debt repayment and servicing. Of this amount, 483 billion drams (over $1.2 billion) will be allocated for principal repayment, while 322.2 billion drams (over $827 million) will go towards interest payments.

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