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Average Monthly Income Per Household In Georgia Up By 18.4% Y-O-Y


In 2023, the average monthly income (cash and non-cash inflows) per household in Georgia increased by 18.4% compared to the previous year, reaching GEL 1 722. The average monthly income per capita increased by 20.5%, amounting to GEL 521, - according to the preliminary data from the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).

According to the survey results, the main source of household income is cash incomes and transfers. In 2023, this share increased by 0.7 percentage points compared to the previous year, amounting to 87.7%. The figure was 92% in urban areas and 79.7% in rural areas.

The average monthly income per household in urban areas increased by 24.9%, amounting to GEL 1 756, while in rural areas it increased by 8.4%, equaling GEL 1 664.

In the structure of cash incomes and transfers, the largest share is held by incomes received from wages, which increased by 1.8 percentage points compared to the previous year, reaching 48%. The share of self-employment income decreased by 0.6 percentage points, amounting to 11.8%. The share of income from pensions, scholarships, and social assistance increased by 0.2 percentage points, reaching 21.8%. The structure of cash incomes and transfers differs between urban and rural settlements.

According to the survey results, in 2023, the share of household cash consumption expenditure in total expenditures decreased by 1.3 percentage points compared to the previous year, amounting to 70.2%.

The average monthly expenditures per household in urban areas increased by 23.5%, amounting to GEL 1 706, while in rural areas it increased by 5.7%, equaling GEL 1 551.

In the structure of cash consumption expenditure, the largest share is held by expenditures on food, beverages and tobacco, which decreased by 3.1 percentage points compared to the previous year, reaching 38.7%. The structure of cash consumption expenditure differs between urban and rural settlements.

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