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Average Monthly Income Per Household Amounted To GEL 1 453.8 In 2022

25.05.23 17:00
Georgian population’s average monthly income increased by 17.3%, while expenditures – by 20.3% in 2022, said the Georgian National Statistics Service (GeoStat) in its annual report on Indicators of Living Conditions (Households Incomes and Expenditures).

In 2022 the average monthly incomes (cash and non-cash inflows) of the population in Georgia amounted to GEL 1 596.1 million, which is 17.3% increase compared to 2021.

According to the survey data of 2022, average monthly incomes increased by 19% per household, by 18.6 per capita and amounted to GEL 1 453.8 and GEL 432.7 correspondingly.

According to the survey, the main source of incomes for households are cash incomes and transfers, which increased by 0.9% point y.o.y and reached 86.9%.

The amount of households total incomes in urban areas increased by 14.9 percent to GEL 967.9 million, while that of rural areas increased by 21.4 percent to GEL 628.1 million. In 2022, the income from wages has a significant contribution in the structure of cash incomes and transfers, the share of which increased by 0.2 percentage points y.o.y and amounted to 46.1 percent. Additionally, the share of income from self-employment increased by 2.2 percentage points and equaled 12.4%. Also, the share of income from pensions, scholarships and social assistance decreased by 1.0 percentage points compared to the same period of the last year and amounted to 21.6%.

In 2022, the average monthly expenditures of the population in Georgia amounted to  GEL 1 551.9 million, which is 20.3% increase in comparison to the last year.

According to the survey results, the average monthly expenditures per household increased by 22% and is equal to GEL 1 413.6, while the average monthly expenditures per capita increased by 21.7% and amounted to GEL 420.7.

In 2022, the share of household cash consumption expenditures in total expenditures increased by 1.4 percent points compared to 2021 year and equals to 71.5% .

The amount of households expenditures in urban areas increased by 19.2% and equals to GEL 951.5 million, while for rural areas increased by 22.2% and amounted to GEL 600.4 million. In 2022, expenditures on food, beverages, tobacco has a significant share in the structure of the cash consumption expenditures, which decreased by 1.9 percentage points y.o.y and amounted to 41.8%.

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