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Average Salary in Israel Rises 2.9%

09.12.21 23:00
The average gross salary in Israel in September 2021 was NIS 11,667 ($3,758), up 2.9% from September 2020, although slightly down from August 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports.
By industry, the 'information technology communications (ITC)' sector was the best paid in Israel in September 2021 with an average salary of NIS 26,400 ($8,506) followed by the 'electricity and water supply sewage services and waste treatment' sector with an average monthly salary of NIS 20,500 ($6,605). In third place was the 'financial and insurance services' sector with an average monthly salary of NIS 19,000 ($6,122). In the last two places were the 'leisure and entertainment' sector with an average monthly gross salary of NIS 7,000 ($2,255) and the 'hospitality and catering' sector with an average monthly gross salary in September 2021 of NIS 5,416 ($1,745), Globes reports. 
High-tech (ITC) salaries have jumped 8% over the past year. The average monthly salary for computer programming and consultancy in computers and services is even higher at almost NIS 29,000 ($9, 343) gross per month. The average monthly salary for data services is NIS 21,500 ($6,930).
In September 2021, there were 349,500 salaried employees in Israel's tech sector, representing 9.4% of the work force, up 7% from 325,900 in September 2020. 

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