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Broadcasters Will Be Prohibited From Promoting The Same-Sex Relations - GD Introduces Legislative Changes

მამუკა მდინარაძე შალვა პაპუაშვილი

Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili on Tusday introduced a package of laws "On Family Values ​​and Protection of Minors", which consisted of one basic law and 18 related draft laws, which amend various laws: the Civil Code, the Labor Code, the legislation on education, etc.

Within the frame of new legislative changes, broadcasters will be prohibited from promoting same-sex relations.

"The dissemination of information, among them, it concerns broadcasters, and it will not be allowed for a broadcaster to disseminate information aimed at promoting a person's belonging to a gender different from his or her gender, same-sex relationship or incest.

It is important to note that this prohibition applies only to the extent that it is not allowed to broadcast a scene depicting an intimate relationship between representatives of the same sex or a scene of incest. Also, advertising of the same content will be prohibited, which in the case of the broadcaster means that these scenes will not be allowed to be broadcast.

The seventh issue concerns gatherings and demonstrations - public gatherings or demonstrations aimed at promoting a person's gender identity, same-sex relationships, or incest will not be allowed.

And the last, eighth issue refers to labor relations, both in private and public institutions. An obligation imposed within the framework of labor relations, which is aimed at neglecting biological sex, will be void.

These are the 8 issues that will be regulated through the 19 Laws, and in addition, in the basic law itself, as well as in the Labor Code, May 17 will be established as a day of sanctity of the family and respect for parents, and will be declared a holiday.

As for the procedures, we will consider this bill during the current spring session and pass it in the first reading, and this package will be passed in the second and third readings in the autumn session. There is enough time for anyone who wants to be a participant in the discussions," Papuashvili said.

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