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Budget Revenue From International Grants Down By GEL 91 MLN In 2025

ფინანსთა სამინისტრო

The Ministry of Finance has submitted to the Parliament of Georgia the third, final version of the draft budget for 2025.

According to the document, the total volume of grants received from international organizations, foreign governments and foreign organizations will decrease by GEL 91 million in 2025 compared to 2024. Budget revenue from international grants will amount to GEL 59.9 million. In addition, the grant plan is reduced in the final draft compared to the second draft budget, in this regard, the decrease amounts to GEL 366 thousand.

The volume of grants received from the European Union will decrease the most, which is related to the decision made by the EU itself to suspend the three-year funding of 121 million EUR for Georgia, which is related to the government's regression in democracy.

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