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Did state program 'Remotely from Georgia' work?

Natia Taktakishvili
26.10.20 16:00
According to the National Tourism Administration, 1,000 people were registered within the state program 'Remotely from Georgia' from August 27 to October 19.

According to the Administration, 54% of the submitted applications belongs to the so-called freelancers, 27% - full-time employees, 19% - entrepreneurs.

Applicants registered under the project are represented from over 60 different countries.

Top-5 of the countries by the citizens’ number is as follows:

Russia - 29%
US - 18%
Belarus - 5%
Japan - 5%
Ukraine - 4%

According to the Administration, over 660 applications were approved, while 115 – had been rejected.

However, state program 'Remotely from Georgia' started on August 27, which enables foreigners from 95 countries to work remotely from Georgia for at least 180 days.

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