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EC's 12 Priorities Met In Principle, Hence No reason For Georgia To Be Denied Candidate Status - GD Chair

04.07.23 12:00
“We fulfilled the priorities in principle. There is no justification for Georgia not to be awarded candidate status,” Irakli Kobakhidze, chair of the Georgian Dream Party, said during a news conference where he would submit a report on the implementation of the EC’s 12-point priorities for Georgia.

According to Irakli Kobakhidze, if the European Union’s decision is based on facts, Georgia will unquestionably be granted candidate status.

“The manipulation of numbers is commonly simple. In fact, if we scrutinize the details, it is obvious that we principally met the priorities. As a result, last year, we were also ready for candidate status, yet there is absolutely no justification for Georgia not to be granted candidate status in this instance. Obviously, a political decision will be made in December, and you never know what its content will be in advance, but if we’re talking about a fact-based decision, in this case, in our opinion, the candidate status definitely belongs to Georgia,” Irakli Kobakhidze said.

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