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Electricity Output In Georgia Up By 98% In January

Natiko Taktakishvili
29.02.24 18:00

The output of hydroelectric power plants increased and amounted to 741 million kilowatt hours in January 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year. This amount of electricity is 98% more compared to January 2023. The energy generated by hydroelectric plants took a 57% share in the total energy consumption of Georgia in January. For comparison, this figure was only 28% in January 2023.

During the winter months, the dependence of Georgia's energy on the output of hydroelectric plants is reduced due to seasonal factors. According to the statistics, January 2024 was characterized by relatively favorable conditions (abundance of water), which was also reflected in the increased output. Because of this, in January 2024, Georgia reduced the output of thermal power plants by 41%, and the import of electricity decreased by 35% in January.

According to the statistics published by GNERC, Engurhes generated the largest amount of electricity in January - 148 million kilowatt hours, which was an increase of 132% in annual terms. The output of Vartsikhe HPP increased by 210%, and the output of Vardnil HPP cascade increased by 206%.

What volume of electricity was generated by Georgian HPPs in January 2024:

Engurhes - 148 million kW. h, an increase of 132% compared to the previous year;
Vartsikhehes - 98 million kW. h, an increase of 210% compared to the previous year;
Vardnilhes cascade - 44 million kW. h, an increase of 206% compared to the previous year;
Khramhesi 2 - 36 million kW. h, an increase of 24% compared to the previous year;
Khramhesi 1 - 32 million kW. h, an increase of 41% compared to the previous year;
Shuakhevihes - 32 million kW. h, an increase of 162% compared to the previous year;
Ginvalhes - 32 million kW. h, an increase of 16% compared to the previous year;
Lajanurhes - 31 million kW. h, an increase of 273% compared to the previous year;
Gumathes - 28 million kW. h, an increase of 474% compared to the previous year;
Rionhes - 27 million kW. h, an increase of 217% compared to the previous year;
Khelvachaurihes 1 - 26 million kW. h, an increase of 123% compared to the previous year;
Paravanhes - 24 million kW. h, an increase of 8% compared to the previous year;
Dzevrulahes - 23 million kW. h, an increase of 182% compared to the previous year;
Zahesi - 19 million kW. h, an increase of 93% compared to the previous year;
Kirnatihes - 14 million kW. h, an increase of 131% compared to the previous year;
Anhes- 12 million kW. h, an increase of 64% compared to the previous year;
Oldenergyhes - 10 million kW. h, an increase of 114% compared to the previous year;
Shaorhes - 9 million kW. h, growth compared to the previous year -9%;
Chitakhevhesi - 9 million kW. h, an increase of 38% compared to the previous year;
Ortachalahes - 7 million kW. h, an increase of 50% compared to the previous year.

As for the total consumption of electricity, in January 2024, Georgia consumed 1.3 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, which was 1% less than in January 2023. The decrease was mainly related to reduced power purchases from direct consumers (large enterprises).

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