Clusters4Development project, funded by the EU and the German Government teamed up with the USAID Economic Security program to conduct the first Georgian Construction Material B2B event. The meeting was attended by 60 leaders from the industries of HoReCa, interior design, architecture, construction development and financial institutions. The aim of the meeting was to raise awareness and connect businesses for further cross-industry collaboration and matchmaking.
“The EU4Business initiative is all about supporting businesses and boosting economic growth in the Eastern partnership countries. With today's event, we are delighted to connect businesses from similar industries that can potentially cooperate with each other. We believe that joining forces will allow us to strengthen partnerships and create unique opportunities for the local economy to gradually expand.” – said Dominik Papenheim, Team Leader of Economic Development, Market Opportunities and Budget Support Coordination of the European Union to Georgia.
“USAID is helping Georgia build dynamic light manufacturing industries that power economic growth and create good jobs all over the country. The construction materials industry is an important example: the sector has the potential to create jobs while creating Georgian-made construction products. USAID is pleased to support this growing industry along with some of Georgia’s other international partners, including the European Union and the GIZ.” USAID/Georgia Mission Director Peter Wiebler.
GCMC - The Georgian Construction Materials Cluster has been initiated with the support from Clusters4Development project funded by the European Union and the German government and implemented by GIZ. The project stimulates and supports development of business clusters in three sectors: apparel, construction materials and tourism. The project also works with the government entities for an improved institutional framework for cluster and business development.