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EU Values Are Not Negotiable - Ambassador Herczynski

პაველ ჰერჩინსკი

“We are ready for Georgia to become a member of the European Union, but this needs to happen based on the rules and principles that apply to all and are not negotiable,” said Pawel Herczynski, EU Ambassador to Georgia.

“It is correct yesterday and today, exactly as we speak, leaders of 27 EU member states are meeting in Brussels, and they are discussing all the pressing issues, facing the European Union. First and foremost, they are focusing on Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. They were joined by President Zelensky and they are discussing Ukrainian’s vision to end the war under the so-called peace formula. They have been discussing the situation in the Middle East, as we know, it’s getting really serious. They have been discussing also other crisis situations around the world. And unfortunately, they have been also discussing the situation in Georgia.

Last year, the European Council adopted council conclusions on Georgia. Please have a look. This is the EU position, agreed at the highest level, at the level of 27 presidents and prime ministers. The key main messages are: message number one, the European Union stands behind the people of Georgia. We support the wish of the people of Georgia to join the European Union. Message number two is the current state of affairs, which unfortunately is deplorable when it comes to EU-Georgia relations. The blame is put on the Georgian authorities, who have deliberately, over the last several months, through actions, statements, and legislations, didn’t get Georgia closer to the European Union. They have put Georgia further away from the European Union,” he said.

The EU Ambassador underscored that no country would join the EU with a violation of the rules and principles that the EU upholds and these are freedom, democracy, rule of law and human rights.

“We are ready for Georgia to become a member of the European Union, but this needs to happen based on the rules and principles that apply to all of us, the current 27 new member states and all countries that wants to join. And these rules are very clear- freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights. These rules are enshrined in European Union treaties and they are not negotiable,” he stated.

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