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GD Is Ready To Throw Away More Than 30 Years Of Partnership With The USA - Senator Jeanne Shaheen

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The fact that the "Georgian Dream" government is ready to throw away more than 30 years of partnership with the USA in order to continue the service of Russia is really very difficult to understand. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (Democratic Party) announced this at the session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

She recalled the meeting with Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, where, according to her, the only demand of the Prime Minister of Georgia was that the USA stop funding those non-governmental organizations that are critical of the government. According to Jeanne Shaheen, she understands what the Prime Minister has about the meeting, but "he was not the only person in the room and everyone heard."

"At the meeting we had with the Prime Minister of [Georgia], we raised the issue of the recent regression in the US-Georgia relations, which was affected by the adoption of the "Foreign Agents" law. We urged him to think about ways to discuss Georgia's relations with the US in the future, which would be in line with the aspirations of the Georgian people and ensure free and fair elections.

I am really saddened, because the only demand he had from us was that the US should stop funding those non-governmental organizations that are critical of the Georgian government. As Congressman Turner explained, in a democracy we all recognize that you can be critical or disagree with politics.

I understand that the Prime Minister has a question about this meeting, but I was not the only person in the room, we all heard what he said, and I am very disappointed that the "Georgian Dream" party will not recognize opposition parties that do not agree with them in the future.

So, as Senator Risch said, the US has been a partner of Georgia for more than 30 years, supporting its democracy, self-determination, security, and this relationship is based on shared values. The fact that the "Georgian Dream" government is ready to throw away all this in order to continue the service of Russia is really very difficult to understand, especially considering that 20% of Georgia's territory is still occupied by Russia," Jeanne Shaheen said.

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