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"GD" with this statement told us that we are going to Russia - Analyst


Gia Khukhashvili, an analyst and former advisor of Bidzina Ivanishvili declares, that the ruling party "Georgian Dream" has made a final choice in favor of Russia with their announcements.

As Gia Khukhashvili told BMG, everything is already clear and it is time for action.

"The US, by initiating this draft law, tested the Georgian authorities. "Georgian Dream" failed this test and completely removed its mask. With this statement, the "Georgian Dream" made the final choice, telling us, we are going to Russia. They demonized Americans and Europeans in an insulting tone, blaming them for blackmailing. In fact, the Georgian government itself is busy with blackmail all this time. They talk about insulting, non-existent revolutions. This means that their vector is Russia. Today, all citizens of Georgia must decide, what is their choice, return to the Russian Empire or go to Europe. The time of conformism is over, everyone should wake up", says Gia Khukhashvili.

On May 20, the US announced that they are considering the transfer of important military, trade package and visa liberalization to Georgia if anti-democratic course changes.

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