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Georgia Ranks 29th Globally by Cryptocurrency Owners

07.10.21 19:30
Triple A payment platform estimated global crypto ownership rates. As of 2021, Georgia ranks 29th and outruns its neighboring Azerbaijan and Armenia. 
115,241 people or 2.89% of Georgia’s total population, currently own cryptocurrency. The country ranks 29th among 139 countries. As compared to its neighbors, Georgia outruns Azerbaijan (124th) and Armenia (104th) with cryptocurrency owners per population, however lags behind Turkey (28th) and Russia (2nd). More specifically, number of crypto owners in Azerbaijan is 98,217 which makes 0.97% of its total population. 33,270 Armenians own cryptocurrency, which is 1.12% of the population. The number in Turkey is 2,476,418, or 2.94% and in Russia - 17,379,175 or 11.91% of the population. 
With 5.5 million people, or 12.7% of total population, the ranking is topped by Ukraine. The number of owners is smaller than in India, Russia, the United States, and Nigeria, while the percentage of the population is higher.
Five major crypto owners are Russia (17.3 million owners, 11.9%), Venezuela (2.9 million owners, 10.34%), Kenya (4.5 million owners, 8.52%), the United States (27.4 million owners, 8.31%).
As of 2021, Triple A estimated global crypto ownership rates at an average of 3.9%, with over 300 million crypto users worldwide. And over 18,000 businesses are already accepting cryptocurrency payments. 
Pursuant to the platform, 79% of owners are male and 21% female; 58% are aged under 34; 82% have a Bachelor’s degree or higher and 36% have an annual income over US$100k. 

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