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Georgian Finance Minister Presented The Final Version Of The Draft State Budget For 2024

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14.12.23 16:00

Georgian Finance Minister Lasha Khutsishvili on Wednesday presented the final version of the draft state budget for 2024 to the Parliament and said the document reflected programmes that “fully respond” to the “main tasks” of the country.

The Ministry cited Khutsishvili as telling MPs the budget had been planned with 5.2% economic growth.

Next year’s average inflation is within its target rate and amounts to 2.8%, he said, adding the budget deficit was planned to be 2.5% of gross domestic product and the Government debt was at 38% of GDP.

The Minister told lawmakers the budget would amount to GEL 28.7 billion, with assignments increased to all ministries and agencies for next year.

The budget includes increased salaries, pensions and various social assistance, while the sums are allocated in social, education, defence, security and economic development areas.

In comments on parameters of the budget, Khutsishvili said the total resources exceeded GEL 25.7 billion, with tax revenue - estimated at GEL 22.53 billion - as the main source.

The finances are going to be allocated to the sectors in the following amounts:

Infrastructure projects - GEL 7 billion
Social programmes - GEL 6.460 billion
Educational and science programmes - GEL 3.6 billion
Defence and security - GEL 2.9 billion
Preschool and general education - GEL 2.7 billion
Road infrastructure - GEL 1.9 billion
Construction and renovation of municipal infrastructure - GEL 1.850 billion
Healthcare programmes - GEL 1.816 billion
Social assistance of target groups - GEL 1.519 billion
Culture and sport - GEL 940 million
Environmental protection - GEL 650 million
Water supply and drainage projects - GEL 582 million
Agriculture - GEL 579 million
Tourism - GEL 236 million

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