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Georgian GD currently holds a rating of approximately 60%, which the radical opposition is well aware of – PM

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Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, who also heads the ruling Georgian Dream party’s election headquarters, called on the public to remain vigilant and critically assess any provocations from the radical opposition. Speaking at the party’s office, he emphasized that no provocation would succeed and warned that any criminal actions would face severe consequences.

“With seven weeks remaining before the October 26 parliamentary elections, the campaign has been peaceful so far, with no significant violations reported,” Kobakhidze stated.

“We hope the election process will continue like this, and our political team is committed to ensuring this outcome.

However, we have concerns about potential disruptions from the radical opposition based on several factors:

Georgian Dream currently holds a rating of approximately 60%, which the radical opposition is well aware of. This situation may discourage them from maintaining a peaceful election environment.

Past experience has shown that the United National Movement has repeatedly attempted to disrupt election processes, and we do not expect this election to be any different.

The October 26 election will essentially be a referendum to decide whether the Global War Party can open a second front in Georgia or whether the country will maintain peace. Given these high stakes, the risks are significantly elevated.

We have witnessed troubling events globally, including recent shootings targeting the Slovak Prime Minister and a U.S. presidential candidate. You may also recall the open threat presented to us by a European Commissioner. Additionally, the State Security Service is investigating a potential attack on Bidzina Ivanishvili.

In light of these concerns, we have implemented strict security measures to protect our party’s honorary chairman, Bidzina Ivanishvili, who is crucial in maintaining peace in Georgia. These measures include avoiding helicopter travel and using a glass barrier at election meetings, which is a particular concern for the radical opposition.

Moreover, leaders of the radical opposition are also at risk of attack, which could be exploited by the United National Movement to discredit the election process. We want to make it clear that any such attempts will be met with the full force of the law.

We have also received information that the radical opposition is planning to incite public unrest, potentially by staging a high-profile criminal act. Any efforts to create chaos in Georgia will be severely punished,” the PM emphasized.

Kobakhidze concluded by stating that the radical opposition is preparing to challenge the election results, aiming to create unrest and potentially force a government change. He reiterated that any such attempts would be dealt with harshly by the state, and he called on the public to remain alert to ensure a peaceful election environment.

“We urge the public to remain vigilant and critically assess any provocations, big or small, from the radical opposition,” he added.

“Maintaining a peaceful election environment is crucial for the stability of our country. Therefore, we must give the radicals no hope that their provocations will succeed,” the PM concluded.

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