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Historic moment showing EU credibility - Charles Michel


European Council President Charles Michel says “This is a historic moment, which shows the credibility of the European Union, the strength of the European Union.”

In his remarks following the Council meeting, Michel told the media pool that “no member states would oppose the decision.”

We opened negotiations with Ukraine and with Moldova. We are granting the EU candidate status to Georgia. We will open negotiations with Bosnia and Hercegovina. A report will be issued in March, and based on that, we will meet in March. This is extremely important. We want to support Ukraine with a very powerful political signal, this very powerful political decision.

This is why we were in a position to make this announcement tonight. We continue to work because we are still working to form a common framework. This is a difficult debate, and I’m confident that in the hours to come, we will manage to make the decision to be united on this topic.

We want to support Ukraine with small financial assistance, point one, but we also want to take into account the priorities of the European Union and need to adapt our mutual framework,” he underscored.