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I have not received any notification. I don't have The US Visa - Tbilisi Mayor

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I have not received any notification. I don't have The US Visa. I'm not worried about that, - Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze told journalists about the sanctions imposed by the United States.

According to Kaladze, Georgia is ready to restart strategic partnership relations with the US to make them “normal and healthy.”

“We heard a previous statement on sanctions and another one last night. I repeat that this does not change our attitude towards our motherland and does not change our decision when it has to do with the country’s interests, future and tomorrow. Nobody fears these sanctions. I have not received any notification, and the recent developments are ridiculous and unserious.

We have declared our policy that we protect the country’s interests. We want to preserve peace and calmness. We seek economic development and strengthening. I said yesterday that we are ready for cooperation and friendship and to restart strategic partnership relations with the US to make them normal and healthy. This is significant for us.

Could you name one reason why the ruling team representatives should be sanctioned? What undermines European integration? Frankly speaking, it is ridiculous to talk about sanctions. I don’t know how many people are sanctioned, 110 or 200, it does not matter. We stand on the watch guard of the country. For ours, foremost, is to keep peace, and no one will be allowed to happen in Georgia what is happening in Ukraine. We will stand and protect our country’s interests,” Kaladze said.

Kaladze went on to say that whether travelling or not might be a problem for some people, but it was not the case for him.

“I tell you it simply. As for financing, I want to clarify, and society should know that 80% of financing goes on financing their agents, financing US agents,” he said.

The US Department of State Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, announced visa restrictions on dozens of Georgian citizens. According to him, the first tranche includes members of the Georgian Dream, MPs, law enforcement officers and individuals.

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