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There Is No Reason To Sanction Georgian Gov't - Tbilisi Mayor


There is no reason to sanction the representatives of the Georgian government. If you know any reason, tell me and I will accept it, maybe I will apologize, - this is how Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze responded to the journalist's question. In addition, he considered the information, that Georgian Dream members received an e-mail regarding visa restrictions, as a lie. According to him, this information "does not correspond to the truth".

"When you sanction a representative of another country, there must be a reason. There is no reason for the government officials to be sanctioned. There is no argument for this. It is not serious to talk about sanctions. We are ready to deepen healthy relations, our path is Europe and the European future. If we have achieved any success on this path, it is due to our government and the Georgian people. We continue to work with this attitude and spirit", said Kaladze.

According to him, "talking about sanctions is not serious, because the Georgian authorities have not done anything to make sanctions necessary."

"If we are talking about why we adopted the law, the majority of the population supported the "Georgian Dream", so it should adopt the laws, taking into account the country's interests. Transparency is important and it is impossible to contradict Europe and European values," Kaladze said.

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