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Imports of pyrotechnics increased to $8.5 million in 11 months

Natiko Taktakishvili
02.01.25 14:43

Imports of pyrotechnics to Georgia have increased in 11 months. During this period of the year, a total of 1,283 tons of fireworks and other pyrotechnic products worth 8 million 502 thousand USD were imported into the country.

According to official statistics, the value of imports increased by 51%, and the volume by 108%, which means that imports of pyrotechnics have become cheaper this year.

In January-November, imports of pyrotechnics to Georgia were made mainly from 4 countries. Of these, 278 tons of goods worth 4 million 328 thousand USD were imported from Bulgaria, and 853 tons worth 3 million 445 thousand USD from China. Accordingly, Georgia purchased fireworks, and other products cheaper from China than from Bulgaria.

A small amount of pyrotechnics was also imported from Poland, and the value of the 151 tons of pyrotechnics purchased amounted to 602 thousand USD. The value of goods imported from the Czech Republic amounted to 103 thousand USD.

Pyrotechnics are also imported in insignificant volumes from Austria, Germany, Turkey and France.

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