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It Is A Very Difficult Time In Georgia-US Relations - Businessman


"Sanctions may, first of all, hurt the banking sector, but damage to the banking sector will hurt the entire business and the economy," - Tamaz Daushvili, the founder of "Dio" said after the meeting with the member companies of EUGBC and the US ambassador.

According to him, it is in the interest of the Georgian people to solve the current problems between Georgia and the USA.

"Recently, the information coming out of our country prevents businessmen from the USA from being interested in Georgia. Also, some negative material has been written recently in influential publications. Therefore, I think these problems should be overcome. There is no way that relations between Georgia and America can be at such a low level. First of all, of course, it is the responsibility of the government to adjust these relations and not to worsen them even more. Sanctions may hurt the banking sector first, but damaging the banking sector will hurt the entire business and the economy. The situation is critical and now it is in the interest of the Georgian people to resolve the relations between Georgia and the USA," Daushvili told the media.

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