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It Is Important, The EU To Make A Fair Decision This Year - Speaker

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The period following last year's decision has shown us one thing - the only thing this decision has caused is that it has become a weapon in the hands of the opposition in order to inflame radicalism, said Shalva Papuashvili, the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia.

As Shalva Papuashvili pointed out, it is a pity that the European Union, which is a project of peace, solidarity and cooperation, in the Georgian reality, integration into the European Union has become a tool in the hands of the radical opposition.

"It is the saddest result that the European Union, which is a project of peace, solidarity and cooperation, in the Georgian reality, integration into the European Union has become a tool in the hands of the radical opposition. The European Union should look at this very seriously. This year and a half once again convinced everyone that Georgia is objectively the leader when compared to other countries, and this is confirmed not only by international ratings, where Georgia is steadily ahead of all candidate countries and, in some cases, even EU member states, whether it is the ratings of the fight against corruption, the rule of law, economic freedom or other ratings. The report of the European Commission itself showed that Georgia was and remains the leader in the top three - Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia. The main thing that worries the Georgian people is that the leader was oppressed last year, and it is important that the European Union makes a fair decision this year, because this is the struggle and work of the Georgian people. Those institutions were built by the Georgian people, which are so praised in various ratings and evaluations. This is appreciated by the European Union," said the Chairman of the Parliament.

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