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Local Self-Government Elections in 2021 Are Being Held in a Largely Peaceful Environment – TI

02.10.21 15:45
According to our observation, local self-government elections in 2021 are being held in a largely peaceful environment. Vast majority of the electoral precincts, where our static observers are stationed, have been opened on time.
Our observers have reported up to 100 insignificant and relatively serious violations. We have filed 14 complaints. Noteworthy cases of serious violations are the following:
Alleged “Carousel”
At Electoral Precinct #13 of Marneuli’s #22 District Electoral Commission, an observer from the observing organization “Student Professional Union”, Tofig Akberov, cast his ballot twice. Commission members didn’t let him cast a vote for the third time. It is noteworthy that this person is not even on the voters list at this precinct, and is instead registered in another electoral precinct, namely #10. According to our observer, at the same precinct, another voter, Bakhlel Guseinov, and several other persons also cast their vote more than once.
Alleged voter bribery
Near the Electoral Precinct #1 of Dusheti’s #28 District Electoral Commission, our observer noticed one person handing out money and voting cards to three other persons.
Interfering and pressuring observers
  • At Electoral Precinct #13 of Marneuli’s #22 District Electoral Commission, our observer was verbally insulted. At the same precinct, up to 50 people are mobilized in and outside of the precinct and there is huge tension.
  • At Electoral Precinct #6 of Telavi’s #17 District Electoral Commission, members of the commission were interfering with our observer in taking video, as well as refusing to accept a complaint.
Violating secrecy of the vote
  • At Electoral Precinct #33 of Poti’s #70 District Electoral Commission, a representative from the observing organization “Green Earth” entered the voting booth with a voter. The Chairperson did not react to this violation.
  • At Electoral Precinct #43 of Dmanisi’s #24 District Electoral Commission, one of the voters circled the candidate at the registration desk. The commission members did not intervene. Furthermore, one of the commission members at the same precinct was dictating a voter whom to vote for.
  • At Electoral Precinct #6 of Telavi's #17 District Electoral Commission, a number of persons were standing within a 100-meter radius of the precinct, an observer from the observing organization “Centre for Research of Public Opinion” was following a voter into the voting booth. Our observer tried to videotape this fact, but the commission members interfered and threatened the observer with expulsion from the precinct. The observer passed a mobile phone to the voter once he couldn’t follow the voter into the voting booth.
Violating the 100-meter radius from the precinct
Party coordinators were observed outside of the precincts, including within the 100-meter radius. This is a violation according to new amendments to the Electoral Code. Our observers called the police when such incidents occurred, and in most cases the problem was resolved.

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