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More Than €100 MLN Is Spent Annually To Increase The Awareness Of Businesses - Winery

ნინო მერის მაძღარაშვილი

Nino-Meris Madzgarashvili, the founder of the small business "Nino Meris Wine Cellar", talks about the need for grants from the European Union on BMGTV and says that small businesses like theirs, develop and buy all the necessary equipment with the help of these grants.

According to her, the European Union is the biggest trade partner, which implies the highest level of environmental protection standards. The cornerstone of the European Union is free travel, in which a single system operates for member states.

"The European Union is the biggest trade partner for me. It is an economic union of member countries, which implies the highest quality, healthy, safe and environmental protection standards. A single market system works there, which helps to ensure that member countries do not find it difficult to present their products in any market.

This was brought in Georgia back in 2016 by the Association Agreement when we engaged in free trade and then in 2017, when visa liberalization took place, which is what the single market stands for.

Every year more than €100 million is spent to increase the awareness of businesses and the quality of products following the EU standards", - Madzgarashvili said.

According to her, they are currently represented on the market of Denmark and Romania. However, exporting and stabilizing markets is an extensive process.

As of the founder of the company, the company is currently going through the stage of market stabilization.

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