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No Law Is Strong Enough To Divert Georgia From The EU Path - Kobakhidze

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Nina Kobakhidze, chairperson of Geo Hospitals' Supervisory Board declares, that no law is capable of deviating Georgia from the EU path.

She stated this while talking about the political crisis created in the country due to the "Russian Law", while visiting BMGTV.

According to Nina Kobakhidze, she does not have the feeling that Georgia has deviated from the EU path and she hopes that the government will choose such a form of communication with international partners that will make them sure that the country has not changed its foreign course.

"The EU candidate status is a very serious achievement, and no law is worth it if negotiations on Georgia's accession to the European Union do not start at the end of 2024," she says.

It should be noted that, unlike government representatives, according to Nina Kobakhidze, US sanctioning of members of the executive and legislative authorities is a "sad fact".

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