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No Preconditions For Bread Price Rise - Minister Of Economy


The Georgian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Levan Davitashvili, stated that the change in the commercial gas tariff will not cause a bread price rise.

Davitashvili clarified that the price change in the commercial part of gas, which is not a regulated tariff, depends on international petroleum product prices.

“This change does not directly affect the public but may have an indirect effect on inflation. Gas prices have seen fluctuations, and despite the current increase, expected in January, there have been more significant reductions over the year,” Davitashvili said.

He assured the population that there are no preconditions for bread price rise.

“Large bread-baking companies have special conditions, and no other factors are prompting an increase in bread prices, including those tied to gas prices. The impact on inflation has been assessed as insignificant,” the Vice Premier added.

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