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The level of unemployment has also decreased by 40% in 2022 - Minister


Compared to 2012, poverty is halved in 2022. The level of unemployment has also decreased by 40%, -the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia Levan Davitashvili said on Wednesday in the Parliament.

As Davitashvili stated, compared to 2012, Georgia actually has a different economy.

"First, the banking sector is an important part of the financial sector. As the profit of the banking sector has increased, so much has increased in the economic direction compared to 2012. For example, compared to 2012, poverty is halved in 2022. The unemployment rate also decreased by 40%. Compared to 2012, the number of jobs in the business sector increased by 245 thousand employees. You know that the gross domestic product has increased by 165%.

Compared to 2012, we actually have a different economy. GDP per capita increased 2.7 times. Exports increased 2.3 times. Revenues from tourism and foreign investments have increased. Current account deficit decreased. The production of electricity, etc. is on record. The list is quite long, listeners will simply get tired of mentioning what has grown and changed in the country since 2012.

My style is not to compare with 2012, but the opposition itself demands to remind the population how the economic situation has changed compared to 2012," said Davitashvili.

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