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Occupancy Rate Of Biltmore Hotel Tbilisi Is Down This Year

20.07.23 13:00
A 5-star Biltmore Hotel located in the center of Tbilisi, on Rustaveli Avenue, declares that the occupancy rate of the hotel amounts to 60%.

As Mariam Kutateladze, director of hotel sales, explained to bm. ge, the occupancy rate of "Biltmore" has decreased compared to the same period of the last year. She also explains the reasons for the reduction.

"Today, the occupancy rate of the hotel is 60%, which is about 400 nights less compared to the same period of last year, so the occupancy rate has decreased by about 9 percentage points.

"Biltmore" traditionally receives guests from different countries. We can say that this year there has been a kind of shift in the ranking of countries. Israel takes the first place regarding visitors, followed by visitors from the Emirates, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, our neighbor and European countries.

According to our observation, the number of tourists from Saudi Arabia and Europe decreased among the guests, which was also reflected in the workload. In addition, we believe the decrease in occupancy this year was caused by the abundance of numbers placed on the market. Compared to 2022, more hotels are operating in Tbilisi this year, so the number of rooms has increased and tourists have been redistributed," explains Mariam Kutateladze.

The average cost of accommodation in the 214-room hotel currently amounts USD 200. According to the sales director, the price is increased compared to the last year.

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