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Oncologic patients to receive prescribed medicines at clinics from July 24

წამალი წამლები აფთიაქი მედიკამენტები ჯანდაცვა
Natiko Taktakishvili
23.07.24 14:00

Oncologic patients will receive prescribed medicines directly at clinics from July 24, based on the decree of Georgian Health Minister Mikheil Sarjveladze.

Through the facilitated method, the oncologic patients will receive the medicines directly at clinics instead of just prescriptions and exploring pharmacies for them.

“I would like to thank each stakeholder and participant involved in the work process. The mentioned change is another important step towards improving the standard of protection of patient’s interests and rights.

The Minister remarked that the change would not resolve all problems facing oncologic patients but pledged to continue work on the improvement of the healthcare system oriented toward patients. He also wished patients quick recovery and health.

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